How professional carpet cleaning safeguards your health

You might have heard how important it is to have clean carpets, but did you know professional carpet cleaning keeps you healthy?

carpet cleaningBut first, how do you choose your carpet cleaning company?

Just like any other service business, proximity and reputation come to play when you need a professional carpet cleaning company. You need a carpet cleaning company within your area so that you don’t get charged extra to cover travel expenses.

You need to know how reputable their service is. For example, inhabitants of Annapolis mostly use Annapolis Clean Carpet since they are close and have built trust with their customers after many years of service.

Now for the healthy part

Contrary to the popular belief that carpet cleaning is just about making your house clean, neat, and dust-free, there is a lot of health benefits you can draw from professional carpet cleaning.

In this article you will know how frequently you need to engage your professional carpet cleaning company for maximum health benefits as well as the health benefits you’ll gain when you steadfastly stick to your carpet cleaning schedules and routines.

Professional carpet cleaning safeguards your health in the following ways;

  1. Eliminates indoor pollution

Your house should be your safe space. Ideally, you shouldn’t be worried about pollution when you get home, but the truth is, the air in our houses is heavily laden with pollen, bacteria, food crumbs and dust. These pollutants float freely into our noses, eyes and mouth so much that you can catch colds and the flu. When you clean your carpet, these impurities will be removed from the carpet hence ridding the air of its toxicity.

  1. Kill dust mites

While you can brag to have the best insect control, dust mites are not very easy to eliminate. They are very tiny creatures but they leave very harmful allergens behind. The dust mites find dirty carpets a conducive environment to live and reproduce. Even when they naturally die, they leave body particles and excrements that can cause serious allergies when inhaled. Different carpet cleaning companies use different methods to eliminate dust mites, Annapolis Clean Carpet uses steam cleaning to kill dust mites with high temperatures, this leaves your indoor environment safe.

  1. Inhibits growth of mold

Dirty carpet is like a flower bed of mold, especially if you live in highly humid areas. Your carpet when dirty and moist will create the best conditions for the mold to grow and multiply exposing you to allergens that cause nasal congestion, coughing, throat infections and breathing difficulties. Professional carpet cleaners will regularly rid your carpet of mold spores and bacteria hence inhibiting growth of mold and mildew. Only professional carpet cleaning has been shown to do this. Home solutions and rental machines are typically not powerful enough to do a true deep cleaning.

How often should you have your carpet professionally cleaned?

The frequency of professional carpet cleaning depends on factors like traffic and humidity. If you have a huge family it means there’s a lot of traffic on the carpet and hence more dirt, dust and other pollutants get absorbed into the carpet fabrics, therefore you should get professional cleaning more frequently— not less than three times a year.

Also, if you live in areas that have high humidity, it means so much moisture interact with dust on the carpet and result in caked mess. Mold will also grow and pose health problems, you should therefore get professional carpet cleaning more often.

Did I mention pets and babies?

Pets and babies spend most of their time lounging on the carpet, you should therefore ensure that it is always free from dust and moisture as their immune system is weak and just a short contact with pollutants on the carpet can cause long term infections.

Pets may also mess your carpet. Do weekly vacuuming and get professional cleaning as frequent as three times a year.

Generally, you should get your carpets professionally cleaned at least twice a year.  This is because professional carpet cleaners have better cleaning equipment that do a thorough job at keeping your home a healthy environment.

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10 Strange Natural Phenomena

There have been numerous strange natural phenomena observed throughout history. While explanations for some of these phenomena have been discovered, others continue to mystify scientists. According to avid science aficionado Jeremy of City Discount Appliances in Baltimore, Maryland, following are ten of the strangest natural phenomena experienced by humankind, along with their scientific explanations when available:

Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis:

The mesmerizing displays of colorful lights in the polar regions are caused by charged particles from the Sun colliding with atoms in the Earth’s atmosphere. These collisions emit light, resulting in the auroras.

Ball Lightning:

Ball lightning appears as glowing orbs that move erratically through the air. The exact cause is still not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to electrical discharges during thunderstorms.

St. Elmo’s Fire:

St. Elmo’s Fire is a luminous plasma discharge that occurs during thunderstorms, often appearing as a blue or green glow on objects such as masts, lightning rods, or aircraft wings. It is caused by the ionization of the air surrounding the objects due to the electric field.


Waterspouts are tornado-like columns of rotating air over bodies of water. They are caused by atmospheric conditions that create a rotating updraft over the water’s surface.

Fire Whirls:

Fire whirls, also known as fire tornadoes, are spinning columns of fire that can occur during wildfires. They form when intense heat creates a vortex, pulling in surrounding air and flames.

Sprites and Elves:

Sprites and elves are electrical discharges that occur above thunderstorms, high above the clouds. Sprites are red flashes while elves are concentric rings of light. They are produced by the interaction between lightning discharges and the Earth’s electromagnetic field.

Blood Falls:

Blood Falls is a phenomenon in Antarctica where a waterfall appears to be flowing with blood-red water. The color is caused by iron-rich water that is exposed to air and undergoes oxidation.

Naga Fireballs:

Naga Fireballs are glowing orbs that rise from the Mekong River in Thailand. They are believed to be caused by the combustion of flammable gases emitted by decaying organic matter in the river.

Hessdalen Lights:

The Hessdalen Lights are unexplained lights observed in a valley in Norway. They appear as floating, colored orbs and are thought to be a result of a phenomenon involving the ionization of air particles.

Morning Glory Clouds:

Morning Glory Clouds are rare, long, tubular-shaped clouds that can stretch for kilometers. They are caused by atmospheric conditions that create a horizontal rolling motion, similar to a wave, in the cloud layer.


While scientific explanations have been proposed for many of these phenomena, some mysteries remain, and ongoing research aims to unravel their complexities. The study of these strange natural phenomena not only expands our scientific knowledge but also fosters a sense of wonder and fascination with the mysteries of our world.

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Proper Use of Sunscreen

Sunscreen helps to prevent our skin from harmful Ultra Violet (UV) rays from the sun. These rays may cause skin cancer, and therefore it is important to take the necessary precautions to protect our skin. So irrespective of gender, age or race, everyone does need to use sunscreen as long as you will be exposed to the sun.

Statistics estimate that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Dermatologists recommend that you apply sunscreen anytime you are outside for more than 20 minutes; even during the winter season. The sun’s rays can begin to cause damage after just 15 minutes.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Sunscreen

  • Level of activitySunscreen

Sun damage is higher in places of elevation such as mountains or reflective surfaces (water, sand, and snow). For these regions, choose one with both UVA/UVB (Ultraviolet A/Ultraviolet B) coverage and with an SPF (Sun protection factor) of 15 or higher. UVA rays cause premature aging and age spots while UVB rays are burning rays that cause sun burns.

Also, intense physical activities will sweat you out removing the sunscreen. Choose one which is water resistant with an SPF of 15 or higher.

  • Age

Not for use for children under six months. For six months and older, use the lotion form with a broad spectrum (both UVA and UVB) and an SPF of 15 or higher. Steer clear of alcohol based sunscreen products for this age group.

  • Skin

If you have oily skin, use alcohol or gel based sunscreen products. If you have dry skin, use lotions or a cream form of sunscreen. If your skin is inflamed or eczematous, avoid alcohol-based sunscreens,

  • Site of Application

For spray sunscreens, keep away from the eyes. For the lips, use a gel based or lip balm with sunscreen. For the ear and nose, use a physical agent of application. Sticks are suitable for use around the eyes.

  • Skin Cancer/Skin Aging Alert

If this is listed in the drug facts section, it means that its sole purpose is to prevent against sun burns and does not reduce early skin aging or the risk of skin cancer.

  • Expiration Date

Some sunscreens might degrade with time which reduces their effectiveness. Always check for expiry date when choosing one. FDA requires that these agents retain their protective layer for at least three years.

When to Apply Sunscreen

  • Apply at least 30 minutes before exposure to the sun for maximum absorption.
  • Reapply after strenuous exercise.
  • If you work outdoors, apply throughout the day and also wear protective clothing.

How to Apply Sunscreen

  • Apply a handful to cover your whole body; particularly the parts exposed to the sun (ears, back, shoulders, legs, back of knees, etc.)
  • Make sure to use enough; a thick coating preferably.
  • Care should be taken when applying around the eyes. The skin around this area is fragile and therefore, sensitive.
  • Dot it directly to your face instead of applying it on your hands first then your face. This will help it absorb quickly.
  • Apply the sunscreen before your moisturizer.
  • Be consistent with daily applications.
  • Touch up your sunscreen after every 90 minutes or so.
  • Reapply water resistant sunscreen after swimming or excessive sweating.
  • Reapply every time you wash your hands.

Applying Makeup Over Sunscreen

  • Use makeup with some SPF protection for optimum protection. However, don’t rely entirely on those.
  • Before applying foundation, wait for at least 5 minutes for the sunscreen to set.
  • Use minimal pressure when blending in your foundation.
  • Powders with sunscreen will work great to add more protection through the day and touch up your makeup.

Surprisingly, you also need sunscreen when you are indoors and when you are driving. The UVA rays penetrate through your window panes, but window glass blocks the UVB rays. There is nothing like a harmless exposure even if it’s just for a few minutes. Those few minutes of walking to your car or going to the grocery store will add up over the years; this will accelerate the aging process or even lead to irreversible damage to your skin.

Eat healthy foods especially those rich in vitamin D, seek shade whenever possible and wear protective clothing such as hats, shades, or long sleeved clothes. Prevention is better than cure.

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Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis

Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, and Aurora Australis, the Southern Lights, are spectacular natural light displays that occur in the polar regions. They appear as vibrant and colorful curtains, arcs, or swirls of light in the night sky. Here’s an overview of how and why they are caused:

Cause: The primary cause of auroras is the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic field.

Solar Wind: The Sun constantly releases a stream of charged particles called the solar wind. These particles, mostly electrons and protons, travel through space and can reach the Earth.

Earth’s Magnetic Field: The Earth has a magnetic field that extends into space around the planet. It is generated by the movement of molten iron in the Earth’s outer core. The magnetic field acts like a protective shield against the solar wind, deflecting most of the charged particles.

Magnetosphere: The region around the Earth where the magnetic field dominates the interaction with the solar wind is called the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere acts as a barrier, preventing direct contact between the solar wind particles and the Earth’s atmosphere.

Interaction with the Atmosphere: However, some of the charged particles from the solar wind can enter the Earth’s magnetosphere through openings, such as the polar regions, where the magnetic field lines are less protected. These charged particles are funneled into the Earth’s upper atmosphere along the magnetic field lines.

Excitation of Atoms: When the charged particles from the solar wind collide with atoms and molecules in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, energy is transferred to these particles, causing them to become excited.

Emission of Light: As the excited atoms and molecules return to their normal state, they release the excess energy in the form of light. The specific colors of the light depend on the type of gas and altitude at which the interactions occur. Oxygen molecules typically emit green and red light, while nitrogen molecules contribute blue and purple hues.

Auroral Oval: The auroras occur within oval-shaped regions around the magnetic poles, known as the auroral oval. The oval is centered on the magnetic pole and expands and contracts with varying solar activity levels.

Magnetic Storms: Intense solar activity, such as solar flares or coronal mass ejections, can cause disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field, leading to more widespread and intense auroral displays. These events are often referred to as magnetic storms.

The appearance and intensity of the auroras can vary greatly, depending on factors such as the Sun’s activity, the angle and strength of the Earth’s magnetic field, and atmospheric conditions. The Northern Lights and Southern Lights are among the most captivating natural phenomena, offering breathtaking displays of light and color that continue to inspire awe and wonder.

Find this interesting? Check out our other blog that talks about more such unexplained occurences.

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Black Holes Collide

Black holes are seemingly invisible spaces where there are strong forces of gravity that prevent light from getting out. Here, matter has been condensed into a tiny space making the gravity pull very strong. Most times, this happens when a star is dying. Because they are invisible, only space telescopes with special tools can be used to see black holes.

Black Holes Collide

When two black holes come into contact with each other, they are moving near the speed of light and they cause ripples in space time which can make things look like a fun house mirror. Nothing can be able to escape the pull of a black hole, not even light. Because of the force, anything that comes in its wake will be ripped apart completely.

A group of scientists from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced that they had detected gravitational waves. These stemmed from the collision in another galaxy of two supermassive black holes producing ripples in space. More supermassive black holes have been discovered since then.

The most recent pair of black holes has been spotted scientists from Pune University, India. They are in a galaxy called NGC 7674 and are estimated to be about 400 million light-years away. The black holes are about a million times larger than the sun and are orbiting quite close to one another. Such an orbit is small given their size and the fact that only one single light-year separates them from each other

This means that they are constantly generating gravitational waves which give off some of their energy. Millions of years later, they will continue to spiral close to each other until they finally collide and create a gravitational signal. The answer to what follows after two black holes collide is simply, one massive black hole. The longer version of it is still being worked on by supercomputer-enabled scientists.

When two black holes are approaching each other, the gas and dust orbiting around them merge into one towering force that extends above the accretion disk’s center. When they actually merge, this creates a powerful force stronger than all the light that emanates from galaxies and stars at any time. Models are still being worked on to get an almost similar image of what this would like.

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Welcome To Tanning Lotions Tips

This blog, Tanning Lotions Tips will talk about all things science and health related from the proper use of sunscreen to the giant mud flow in Java to the recent discoveries of two super massive blackholes who are in a death spiral with each other. Check back periodically and see what might be of interest recently. This is going to be quirky and sometimes weird and other times hopefully very helpful.

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Cleanup after Hurricane Harvey Flooding

The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey has left behind trillions of gallons of water and tons of debris. The ruined possessions are lined up in streams of water in neighborhoods and roads. The damage has been extensive with over 150,000 homes damaged or destroyed. As the water recedes, the road to recovery has begun and it could take days, months, or sadly even, years.

Cleanup after Hurricane

The piles and heaps consisting of furniture, toys, drywall, flooring, clothing, etc., are painful reminders of the losses incurred by residents affected by the hurricane. It is an eyesore and what’s worse is they are a perfect habitation for pests and dangerous animals like snakes. The water is also starting to give off a nasty stench. The wet conditions and the Texas heat are favorable environments for mold to grow.

It raises eyebrows because it is a health hazard that could spiral out of control if not handled with the seriousness it deserves. Floodwater is not your ordinary water. It is highly contaminated with chemicals, sewage, sharp objects, etc. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, standing waters cause chemical hazards, infectious diseases, and injuries.

Efforts have been made to start the cleanup process but it remains a big challenge to do so given the massive piles present; for instance, a single pile of debris belonging to only one home would be enough to fill out a truck. This begs the question; how much time then would it take to do so for an entire street? Sylvester Turner, Houston’s Mayor called for assistance from anyone with equipment suitable for removing heavy debris.

The residents whose houses have been damaged or destroyed have been relocated to shelters to enable the clearing up of the debris in their houses and on the streets. There were concerns about resources being diverted to Hurricane Irma if it caused extensive damage. This would mean a slower cleanup process in Houston. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is covering 90 percent of the costs while the local crew is taking care of the pickups.

Another cause of concern from the environmentalists has been from the suspended environment rules regarding waste removal to quicken disaster recovery process. Trash looters have not been left out forcing homeowners to spray paint some of the items that will be required for insurance claims. Some even posted signs indicating the items are being aired to dry. All these hoping the trash looters will have some ounce of sympathy and move along.

Despite all that, Houston has received overwhelming support and kindness from volunteers. Many people report on how they have come back home from their shelters to find people swarming in their homes. Not looting, but cleaning up. Others are helping in different forms like donations of food, medical supplies, clothing, and all other necessities. Others are helping the elderly wade through the water. Through the unity experienced following this disaster, there is hope for Houston to slowly pick up the pieces and rise again.

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The big dilemma at the heart of modern science

If you had to answer this question: “Among Science, religion and politics, which has contributed most to human advancement in the past 1,000 years?” Many people in the western world (including me, most likely, including you too) would readily answer- Science! And we would all be right. Science has been responsible for a great percentage of human progress. Science has given us vaccines and drugs to combat diseases that were once incurable. Science has given us the knowledge for developing technology to make our work easier. Technology again with the backing of science has given us tools to travel more easily over vast distances.

modern science

Science has helped us solve many problems. It has equally given us the confidence that we can solve whatever problems remain unsolved. As a race, we have come to strongly believe in science and the potential it holds. In short, science is perfect!

Hang on, did I just say science is perfect? Wrong! Science isn’t. At the heart of this efficient system lies a very significant inconsistency. Here’s the inconsistency; The two pillars that uphold modern science do not agree. We shall explain shortly.

Albert Einstein- heard that name before? Of course you have. Einstein’s name is synonymous with genius and that is because he totally revolutionized the classic scientific views about concepts like space and time. He also came up with some really amazing theories of his own. One of those theories is general relativity. General relativity is one of the two major pillars of science that we mentioned earlier. It basically describes how mass interacts with space-time. This theory was accurately able to describe the motion of black holes, planets, stars, and other massive and dense bodies in the universe.

Let’s leave Einstein for a while and talk about a field in physics called quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics describes the universe at the infinitesimally small level. Know what an atom is? Now divide an atom into say a million pieces. There, you’ve arrived at the quantum mechanical scale. Strange things happen here. Quantum mechanics was so weird that Einstein described it as “Spooky action at distance”. Strange as it is however, it perfectly describes matter at the infinitesimal level and has helped to fill in some particles in the standard model.

Perfect! You would say. A theory for the very large scale and one for the very small scale. But here’s exactly where the problem arises. When the equations of quantum mechanics and general relativity are combined together. They result in infinity. And infinity is an ugly answer in math. It means something is not right.

There you have the dilemma. The two theories at the heart of science do not agree. We do not have a unified theory that perfectly describes the universe we live in. String theory, M-theory and others are efforts to help develop a quantum gravitational theory to describe our world accurately. However for now, we will have to be content with the imperfection of science while enjoying the goods it has brought us.

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Giant Java Mud Flow

The mudflow in the eastern part of Java Island, Indonesia, has got to be one of the strangest natural disasters ever recorded. The mudflow that occurred in 2006 was most likely a result of earthquakes rather than commercial drilling as earlier reported. The earthquake combined forces with unusual geologic formation awakening the mud from underground.

Java Island

Initially, the probable cause was widely suspected to be triggered by gas drilling by a subsidiary of the EMP energy company. Java in Sidoarjo is located in one of the world’s sensitive geological areas. This is because of the active volcanoes that threatens 62% of Indonesia’s 250 million population. Therefore, the region is considered very unstable.

Since May 2006, the mud volcano has swallowed factories, rice paddles, houses, roads, etc. Over 40,000 residents were displaced and 15 people lost their lives. The eruption is still ongoing and unfortunately, studies predict that it may continue to do so for another two decades. Another study predicts that it could last to up to 87 years.

The mud, which is 144 million cubic meters, has been diverted to a river nearby. Some of it, however, covers an area estimated to be twice the size of the New York City Central Park.   Despite the uncertainty of the exact trigger, the government pressured the Bakrie family, majority owners of the energy company, to contribute to the compensation and mitigation costs. These costs on average have totaled to $767 million, which has taken a great toll on the country’s economy.

Even if measures have been taken to manage it, geologists still fear the eruption of another mud volcano in the region. More data is needed for better research and planning. Until this natural disaster is fully understood, long-term programs in the country cannot be effectively carried out.

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